Revitalizing Water Infrastructure through Comprehensive Public-Private Partnership Solutions
WCP Works with Government Entities to:
- Access to capital to revitalize the water system and defease existing system debt
- Upgrade and maintain critical water infrastructure
- Implement state-of-the art water management practices and technologies
- Assume responsibility for billing, customer service and regulatory compliance
- Transition and redeploy municipal workforce
How Water Capital Partners is Different
1. Focused on your water system.
Water Capital Partners is a PPP development expert rather than an investment house. That means our ultimate goal is to create a vastly improved water and wastewater service for your community rather than having a primary focus on generating a financial return for institutional investors.

2. Deep water sector expertise.
As our name clearly states, Water is our sole focus. We have decades of experience leading, operating and maintaining water and wastewater systems. WCP members have served as advisors to municipalities on a wide range of public infrastructure projects. Some have even sat in your shoes.

3. Unconstrained Partnership Relations.
As an independent firm, we have assembled an exceptional roster of regional and local water operators, design engineers and construction firms. We have marshaled a collection of global, boutique, and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) investment firms. We also opportunistically incorporate public sources of capital into our financing

How Water Capital Partners is Different
1. Focused on your water system.
Water Capital Partners is a PPP development expert rather than an investment house. That means our ultimate goal is to create a vastly improved water and wastewater service for your community rather than having a primary focus on generating a financial return for institutional investors.

2. Deep water sector expertise.
As our name clearly states, Water is our sole focus. We have decades of experience leading, operating and maintaining water and wastewater systems. WCP members have served as advisors to municipalities on a wide range of public infrastructure projects. Some have even sat in your shoes.

3. Unconstrained Partnership Relations.
As an independent firm, we have assembled an exceptional roster of regional and local water operators, design engineers and construction firms. We have marshaled a collection of global, boutique, and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) investment firms. We also opportunistically incorporate public sources of capital into our financing

“As a former water company CEO, nothing is more satisfying than helping transform a troubled water system into an asset that provides the predictable, clean water that communities deserve.”
Donald Correll
Chief executive officer and co-founder of Water Capital Partners

Bayonne Concession:
Enabling Municipal Development
The Bayonne concession agreement was transformative for the struggling municipality. The agreement brought about operational stability and a needed capital infusion that helped the City pursue its ambitious economic development plans.
The concession deal exemplifies how ongoing, proactive investments in water technology and infrastructure, in concert with operational expertise, can produce the savings required to keep water and sewer rate increases below national averages.